Always. Always. Always.
Know the words to your song before you go on national TV. It's bad enough that Ashlee Simpson was exposed as a fraud for singing to a track on SNL, but then she couldn't even recover and sing the song at all. Worst, she blamed her hired band who smirked after she "hoe-downed" off the stage. May this be a watershed moment and mark the decline of this blight on American Culture.
Love, Power, Peace.
And to quote Roger Daltrey, once again, "Gimme a bum note and a bead of sweat."
Greatest Simpsons in American history (descending order):
Astronaut Alan Simpson
Animated star Bart Simpson
Atlanta Braves announcer Joe Simpson
Animated couple Marge & Homer Simpson
American Congressman from Idaho, Mike Simpson
Animated, not bad, just drawn that way, Jessica Simpson
Animated octogenarian Grandpa Simpson
All-American, acquitted murder suspect O.J. Simpson
and last and definitely least ...
Abomination and musical aberration Ashlee Simpson
Know the words to your song before you go on national TV. It's bad enough that Ashlee Simpson was exposed as a fraud for singing to a track on SNL, but then she couldn't even recover and sing the song at all. Worst, she blamed her hired band who smirked after she "hoe-downed" off the stage. May this be a watershed moment and mark the decline of this blight on American Culture.
Love, Power, Peace.
And to quote Roger Daltrey, once again, "Gimme a bum note and a bead of sweat."
Greatest Simpsons in American history (descending order):
Astronaut Alan Simpson
Animated star Bart Simpson
Atlanta Braves announcer Joe Simpson
Animated couple Marge & Homer Simpson
American Congressman from Idaho, Mike Simpson
Animated, not bad, just drawn that way, Jessica Simpson
Animated octogenarian Grandpa Simpson
All-American, acquitted murder suspect O.J. Simpson
and last and definitely least ...
Abomination and musical aberration Ashlee Simpson