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Showing posts from September, 2014

The Beatles in Mono: Revolver

The vagaries of jet lag. So some musings on the Beatles in Mono. Glorious monophonic sound. Tonight, I bought two of the Beatles' albums on LP in Mono, Revolver and Sgt. Pepper. I am saving Sgt. Pepper for after work (later today), but I listened to Revolver when I got the record home. Rather than blaring it out loud on the turntable, I put on my noise canceling headphones to absorb it. The album is such a fine piece of work. Most of you are familiar with the major songs on it; but in case, here are the evergreens from Revolver: "Got To Get You In To My Life" "Eleanor Rigby" "Taxman" "Here, There & Everywhere" "Yellow Submarine" "Good Day Sunshine" None of those are John's songs. His contributions are amazing, one in particular was game changing ("Tomorrow Never Knows"). However they are not well known to the casual listener. One of his songs, "And Your Bird Can Sing," did become th