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Showing posts from June, 2012

The Wichita Lineman is Still on the Line

Just home from seeing Glen Campbell's farewell show at the Hollywood Bowl. It was very moving seeing the Rhinestone Cowboy for what will be my first and only time. His three kids paced him through a taught 60 minute show that featured a dozen hits, a few blazing solos and several stand-out tracks from his latest LP, Ghost on the Canvas . The opening act was country-rockers Dawes backing the likes of Lucinda Williams, Kris Kristofferson and Jackson Browne who paid tribute to Glen in the form of covers.  Glen's band was marvelous featuring his talented kids; his long-time keyboard player, T.J. Kuenster; and Harry Nilsson's kid Keith on bass. A real family affair. Seeing Glen is tragic and uplifting simultaneously. He is suffering a decline due to Alzheimer's; and is the first major figure to battle it in public by continuing to do what he does: entertain. It is an act of bravery and a testament to God's Grace and the gifts He's seen fit to give Mr. Campbell. T

On The Rebound

Hey soul mates, that's the title of my new album. After deliberation and a little creative consultation with people close to the project, I have selected On The Rebound as the name of this new musical collection. The new title track will be released as a single on the International Pop Overthrow compilation CD. It will be given away for free with admission at the IPO Los Angeles shows. Just one more compelling reason to attend my matinee, 4 PM Saturday July 28 @ Fais Do Do. Check out my updated website and see the graphic art that will adorn the CD. Ah, herringbone. Style points my friends. Gotta dress cute. Gotta get your nights right. This will be the album for it. If you need to see me perform prior to IPO, and you do, I will be doing one cover song at the Universal super-hootenanny called LuvJam, 9 PM Tuesday June 26 at Saddle Ranch on the CityWalk. Free show! Y'all come. Tonight, I had another listen through the entire disc with my songwriting partner Bryan Farrar

Kings & Queens

Hey Soul Mates, it has been a month since my last official post and as you might guess a lot has happened. In case you didn't follow the photo-journaling on facebook or my tweets. Here's the rundown. The trip to the UK was fruitful and fun. I performed four times. Thrice in Liverpool, including the historic Cavern Club; once in London at the packed Notting Hill Arts Club. The shows were a riot. Just me and my guitar. I got the crowd to sing a long with a few choice covers (Bowie's "Let's Dance;" Bee Gees' "I've Gotta Get A Message To You;" Temptations' "I Wish It Would Rain") that peppered the sets. The new material went over well, especially "Huckleberry Finn," "On The Rebound," and the first single from my new CD, "Your Majestic Rejection." Among other highlights, we saw the Queen, HRH Elizabeth II at the Albert Dock. I was recipient of the royal wave! We went to the Scottish Highlands to see