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Showing posts from August, 2013

Diff'rent Stroke

"I was born with eyesight, Blinded by the light." "If you got the music inside A miracle is on the way." So much has happened since my last blog. It's a peaceful Saturday morning, listening to the Jackson 5, and I'm kicking back with a cuppa Harrod's Blend 49 that I picked up on my British tour. Not too posh, really. I'm off of my favorite green stuff (TWG's Polo Club) for a month or two, but more on that later.... In music news: Huckleberry Finn has been submitted in various categories for the upcoming 56th Grammy Awards. It's just the beginning of the entry process; but we can be cheerful simply for that. It was also entered into the UK Music Video Awards whose vetting process has just begun as well. These are just the entry steps, but as EPMD said, "like Lotto, you have to be in it to win it." To date the video has been viewed 2253 times on YouTube and I thank you one and all for watching it, sharing it and most of all

Breaking News: Entered - UKMVAs

What a week in music news. Here's a rundown of the surreal and sublime. Huckleberry Finn has been officially entered into the UK Music Video Awards 13 to be awarded on Oct. 28. Entered, not to be confused with nominated or shortlisted; but this is where it begins! Judging and voting will begin later this month, with the final shortlists unveiled in October. The event will celebrate the very best of British and international music videos and the talent behind them at a brand new venue for 2013: the Southbank Centre in London. Grammy submissions are ongoing this month. So I will be submitting this year's work for the upcoming round. I am thankful for the opportunities to enter contests and festivals. I'm very excited about sharing my work with more and more people. First Post  in India has once again been at the vanguard of a video release of mine. It's very cool to see that international outlets are paying attention. I'm very proud of this song (and video) a

Summertime Jam Called Huckleberry Finn Hits 1500

Thank you, everyone for your continued love and support for Huckleberry Finn. We have exceeded 1500 views on YouTube in under 4 days. Gadzooks! Thank you to everyone who is sharing the video. And a special nod to the Mark Twain Author page on Facebook who lent their kind words and shared it with their half-a-milliion followers. Please continue to share and spread the word about your new groove for Summertime. x